Sunday, September 20, 2015

When Jesus Stopped Being Good Enough

When Jesus stopped being good enough I noticed my world start to fall down around me. When the plans I had created for myself took precedence over the ones He had been designing 20 years in the making, I was no longer satisfied with this life and always thirsting for more. When Jesus stopped being good enough, my heart felt a constant ache and no matter what or who I filled it with, I was empty. When Jesus stopped being good enough, my love for others was weak because I could hardly love myself. When He isn't good enough, families crumble, relationships fill with turmoil, high standards become dangerously low, and flesh fails.

 In case you need reminding, this world is a savage place for our sinful hearts. The enemy draws us in with thoughts like, "it's really not a big deal," and "I can handle this on my own, I'm strong enough" and "well, God's not going anywhere, I know he'll forgive me." Hear the truth my friends, this world is not our home. This world is not our playground, it is not for us to use for our own gain. It is, however, where God has placed us to make much of Him and give Him the glory. We take God, and we turn Him into our own personal sidekick. When we need something it's "hey God, there's this thing I really need you to do cause it'll make me super happy. It'd be awesome if you'd follow through for me God, thank's you're the best... P.S. I'll be back when I need you next." We're missing it. We're missing the whole point and we're missing out on all he has planned because he isn't good enough to be the superhero, so we make him the sidekick thinking we can handle it and he can just help out. The thing is, he is more than good enough, he is everything, he is sovereign and he quite literally is the hero of this story.

There's been some situations recently where I thought I could handle it. For me it was the whole, "but God, it's really not a big deal." I liked to think that I knew what I wanted, that I knew what I needed. Everyday I was battling with the Lord and myself over this thing. He's been telling me to give it up and I keep saying, "no, I want it. I can't do that." You see, I wasn't letting him be good enough to satisfy my heart. All I've been hearing back is, "Ashley, you don't understand. The plans I've written out for you, your purpose, it is so much greater than this thing you're trying to hold onto." He has been constantly whispering to my heart that once I let go completely, when I begin to pursue Him with deep adoration instead of these things that just hurt my heart and hold me back, he will bring something so much bigger into my life. Basically, what I keep having to learn over and over again is that no man can satisfy the way my God satisfies, and I need not to turn back to what he has already saved me from. He is worth everything. He is worth giving up what I think I love, for something he already knows is better. I'd like to view God as though I could give up my cozy bed right now and go live outside in a box and he would still be good enough. And he would be.

So you see, when He stops being good enough, everything in our lives stop being good enough. -- Who or what things do you need to let go of so that you can delight in the Lord with all of your heart... So that no matter the circumstance, He is enough to fill you up and that everything you do might point to him? Have trust in Him that He will always follow through on His promises and has something greater for you and for me.

{forever grateful, Ashley}

"Be still before The Lord and with patiently for him" Psalm 37:7

"Be filled with love sourced from God and not from ourselves or those we love. May we be satisfied by Him to the point of spilling over, demonstrating who God is by the way we choose to love." 
-She Reads Truth 

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